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Improving wellbeing through exceptional care. 

Poplar Care Ltd is registered with Care Quality Commission (CQC).

24/7 Care



Exceptional Care

Tailor-made Care



Our primary purpose is to facilitate independent living in the community and enable people to live fulfilling lives through client cantered personalised care. We are passionate about ensuring that our clients received care that individually personalised to reflect their environment, family dynamics, community.

We provide services at different stages of clients’ lives where they may need support. This includes towards the sunset season of their lives, bridging gaps where family needs additional support, re-enabling independence and interaction with their communities e.g., after a stroke or hospitalisation.


It as a privilege to be able to assist clients in a wide range of areas including personal care, companionship, shopping and recreational activities support, meal preparation, medication management. 

We are CQC Registered to provide personal care and also provide domiciliary care services through NHS's Continuing Healthcare Framework.



Personal Care

Personal Care is care support that involves anything of a personal nature. This may include tasks such bathing, showering, hair washing, grooming, shaving, oral care, continence management, catheter/stoma care and any other activities of daily living.


We ensure that this care service is always adapted to suit each client's specific requirements and preferences. 


We believe it is important to build familiarity and trust when receiving personal care, therefore we will aim to maintain continuous care by providing regular carers to clients.


Our companionship care service not only helps to combat loneliness but also provides support through life. This provides clients an opportunity to fully participate in activities they enjoy such as help with visiting friends, attending local groups and clubs or other social events. We will provide a friendly smile and listening ear as well as the practical support to enjoy your social engagements and experiences.

Shopping Assistance

We can assist with all your shopping requirements including:
Escorted Services – where a member of our team can accompany mobile clients
on shopping trips assisting with anything needed by the client.


Home Delivery - a member of our team can deliver required shopping items to your door based on a shopping list.

Online Shopping – clients can be assisted with the completion of online shopping orders where they are not confident to do so on their own.

Meal preparation support

We offer support to maintain a healthy lifestyle through diet and nutrition. Our team will offer encouragement and practical assistance at mealtime as require. We can make personalised plans and arrangements so that there is access to food and fluids for clients at their preferred meal time. We will establish the nutrition and hydration needs, wishes and preferences to ensure a
healthy diet.

Palliative care

When illness cannot be cured, palliative care helps to reduce distress by ensuring comfort, managing pain, providing empathy and a human touch during this emotional experience. We understand how immensely difficult one’s time in palliative care can
be, so we provide this care with the sensitivity and compassion that you and your loved ones need. We always provide staff who genuinely care as we know that this makes an incredible difference to your loved ones and you.

Live in care

Our live-in care service provides you with the peace-of-mind of knowing that your loved one is being supported 24/7 by a resident carer in the comfort and familiarity of their own home. Our live-in carers provide constant support tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Our team is on hand to assist, no matter how personal or complex your care needs are.

Our Team In Act

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